

A short, pudgy, mostly baldheaded man, Henry Bowers, is fiddling with the inside of a hanging light bulb fixture in the basement of his house. After he’s done he screws a light bulb back on, but doesn’t turn it on; the basement remains dark. Bowers walks over to a washing machine and tosses some clothing inside. He uses a flashlight to look at the control knob and turns it to a certain setting. He then removes the drain hose from a large sink and places it on the floor. Bowers places a rag over a floor drain cover. (That will slow water from draining, but won’t fully prevent it.) Bowers goes over to the fuse box and screws back in two different fuses. (Apparently he didn’t know which one powers the light fixture he was working on?) He then goes back to the washer and pushes the control knob to run it. Immediately, water comes pouring out of the drain hose. (This appears to be a big production goof-up here; the machine needs to first fill with water, cycle a wash load, AND THEN it drain


June Holton, an attractive dark-haired woman wearing thick-lensed glasses, enters a building and walks up a flight of stairs leading to the apartment of a professional photographer named Michael Delak. (Who we later learn is also a womanizer; making this the second episode in a row with a gigolo type character.) Immediately after entering the apartment, Delak tries to kiss her passionately. He removes her glasses and tosses them to the side onto a desk. June struggles and manages to push him away. She then reaches into her coat pocket and pulls out a gun and points it at him. June is furious because her sister, Barbara Holton, who was deeply in love with Delak, recently committed suicide after being rejected by him. Suddenly, the swinging door from the kitchen opens and a man points a gun at Delak and shoots him dead. The shooter and June look directly at each other for a few seconds, but he is a total blur to her without her glasses on. (However, the killer doesn’t know that.) The sho


A sexy blonde named Katie Mears is on her living room couch in a mansion, moving about rather seductively on the couch while engaged in a lovey-dovey conversation on the phone with someone she calls “Lovebird”. She turns her body around and lays face down on the couch while continuing her chat and giggling. The front door is seen opening and (with the production camera replacing movement of the person) an individual enters the room. The person (camera) moves past a close-up view of Katie’s rear end raised from the couch and then approaches the fireplace. The person picks up a heavy metal poker and walks over to Katie. (Production was very careful to avoid showing the person’s hand on the poker stick. Why?) Katie suddenly turns over to face her assailant and is about to let out a scream when she is whacked with the poker, causing her to fall over unconscious. (It appears Katie must have been struck in the head killing her, however, a blow like that would have surely caused a horrific sp